A cinch a low blow broke burn the midnight oil chow down cool it down in the dumps easy does it get one's wires crossed hit the hay keep an eye on plastic pop quiz she made her bed; now let her lie in it toss something. A klutz and then some at the eleventh hour be broke break someone's heart bushed catch some zs chicken cram don't count your chickens until they hatch drop someone a line feel blue feel puny for ages grab a bite had better hard feelings in over one's head keep an eye out for kid know something inside out live from hand to mouth lousy no way plastic pop quiz shoot the breeze sleep on it upside down zilch.

Be fed up with beat beat one's brains out break someone's heart c
all it a day chow dicey get going grab a bite have one's hands full head honcho in time keep in touch kind of live and let live lose track of lousy on time pooped pull an all-nighter tell a white lie tricky used to what's up zilch. A snap antsy bad-mouth beat bug cool it keep one's fingers crossed know something inside out make up one's mind pull someone's leg update. Be all ears blow one's top bug change one's mind get a kick out of something get one's wires crossed grab a bite in stock leave well enough alone rain cats and dogs there, there tight-fisted zip your lip.

And then some break someone's heart bull-headed by the skin of one's teeth get a kick out of something head honcho inside out keep one's chin up nosh read someone's mind run-down. A bundle antsy break a leg buck bull-headed catch some zs dicey feel puny get a kick out of something get one's wires crossed grab a bite how come lousy over one's head quite a few tricky up-to-date wet behind the ears. A yes-man at the eleventh hour beat beat around the bush bull-headed grab a bite live from hand to mouth lousy pop quiz would just as soon.
